New Client Packet — Individual Coaching


By: Keryl Oliver, Certified Personal and Executive Coach

If you’re a new Coach eager to begin with your Client or seeking a more professional contract for your services, this document is ideal for you. Simply answer questions in our interview form, which is part of the download, and the contract will automatically be filled out based on your answers. Only you see your information. Download it once and use it as often as you like. We take the administrative tasks off your hands so you can focus on providing the best coaching experience for your Client.


First impressions are vital. Align the quality of your contract with the level of your service. This document begins with an Interview Questionnaire you fill out to populate the pertinent fields of this contract. Terms, fees, how you will meet, an overview of Coaching, and more. Download one time and use as often as you like.

  • Fillable PDF
  • Easy to navigate
  • Easy to understand