Get Paid to Help People Become the Best Versions of Themselves

Become an Attainable Workshop Facilitator

If you have been described as dynamic, detail-oriented, dependable, compassionate, intuitive, and a talented presenter, you will make an ideal workshop facilitator for Attainable.

What it entails:

  • First, you will receive training on delivering the program to a group.
  • Together, we will choose the venue based on your location and conduct marketing to draw participants.
  • Your role as a facilitator will be to create and uphold the environment to ensure participants receive your guidance to get the most out of this program.
  • Having fun! Making connections! Feeling a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Fill out the brief form below, and you will hear from us shortly.

    Please mark the choice that best describes you:

    Together we will help a person create the life they envision.